Sunnuntaisin palvelemme 12-16
Ystävänpäivänä 14.2. palvelemme 9-20
Bridal bouquet 12
Bridal bouquet 12
Bridal bouquet 12

Bridal bouquet 12

100,00 €
incl. 25.5 % VAT
In stock
White and small traditional bridal bouquet for the bride or bridesmaids. Bouquet in picture is 130€.

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Every bouquet is unique, and is tied up in the shop. Some of the flowers may change depending on availability and season.

In this bouquet we have used Anemone, Ranunculus, Limonium, Carnations, Hypericum and grayish greens.

For wedding flowers orders should be in at least 2 weeks before the big day. For this item delivery time 7 days.